It's been almost a year since I've been in Hong Kong. It's a bit strange, I didn't think I would be going back so soon and yet, it feels completely natural that I should be going back. When I went back home last year, I knew that I wanted to stay in HK again and that I was definitely going to return. I just didn't expect to be back so soon.
The reason for my return is different from the reason why I was there last year. My stay this time will be a lot longer (8 months) and my circumstances, very different. Nonetheless, the fears are the same as last time: there will always be that fear of not making any friends, of being horrendously homesick and a fear of just not surviving in general. When I left the safety of my friends' arms as they hugged me goodbye, there was a sense of obligatory loneliness when one begins a journey where one must start alone. It's not very often that I get that feeling but I guess it's good that I'm having this life experience.
At the moment, the only thing going through my head is a quote from Finding Nemo (and oddly enough, I haven't even watched that film yet): Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...
I guess that's what I'll just have to do. In a metaphorical sense of course.
Super thankful for the support of my friends (you know who you are),
I hope you enjoy my new adventures in Hong Kong.