Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Still in love with Causeway Bay

So today, a few friends and I went to Causeway Bay to explore. The area was a lot less overwhelming the second time around (here's the post about my first time there) and a lot more fun with other people.

First thing's first, I will be very proud to tell everyone that we found Victoria Park!

I was trying to find it last time I was there but failed miserably. It was a beautiful park with a statue of Queen Victoria. For some reason though, our entire group missed the statue as we were walking into the park.

(I apologize for the bad photo, the sun was super bright and I wasn't sure how I should've adjusted my camera.)

Afterwards, we went to Times Square. There was new art there: there were all these statues of fattened known personalities and characters with tons of corporate logos strewn about their costumes. (Even the characters from Journey to the West - a Buddhist story - were desecrated with logos of MacDonalds and Microsoft.) These statues were made with handbills or pamphlets with ads handed out on the streets. If my Marxist prof were here, I'd say that this was clearly art protesting the consumerist capitalist culture in Hong Kong. (And here, a Russian is headdesking herself.)

Although a lot of us are jetlagged, we managed to make one more stop before heading home. Since it was the evening, we ended up in TST (Tsim Sha Tsui) to watch the daily laser show. The show itself was pretty underwhelming but at least we can say that we saw it. We also got the postcard view of Hong Kong's skyline:

The real thing was obviously a lot prettier but my camera cannot handle the skyline's epicness. Or anything for that matter. I am in total need of a new camera. I should save up and get myself an LSR at one point... Oh well, I can dream. Speaking of dreams, going to bed sounds lovely right now.

Nighty night from HK!

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