Thursday, September 22, 2011

A few tips to surviving Hong Kong...

So, you're going to Hong Kong. It's a crazy, crazy place and you're wondering what you should know in order to survive this place. Well, here are a few tips that could help.

1. The Octopus card is your best friend.

Really. This thing can pay for transportation (the MTR, buses, ferries, almost everything), food and groceries. Just add money to your card and swipe and you're through.

2. Aggressive walking. It helps.

What is aggressive walking you say? It's a way of walking that allows you to move down the sidewalk on a busy street without moving at a snail's pace. The trick to aggressive walking is to be aware of the obstacles (people, poles, things you don't want to step it), map them out in your head and walk between them. You may have to gently use your elbows or experience a few close-ish encounters but at least you're going somewhere.

3. Always bargain at an outdoor market meant for tourists.

NEVER EVER PAY FULL PRICE, even if it's cheap at your exchange rate. I also suggest you walk around the market and browse first before you start buying because the prices could be better at another stall and once you start bargaining, it's hard to get out. Especially in the Ladies' Market where vendors will actually *come after you* to try and make a sale. They are seriously aggressive so make sure you're starting out with the lowest price to haggle the price even lower.

4. Don't want the tourist experience? Just wander.

Just make sure you know how to get to the closest MTR stop so you know how to get home. Want to one-up the non-tourist experience? Go to the restaurant, be adventurous and order something without looking at the English menu. Some of the best places to eat are old establishments where locals gather all the time. The number of people in a restaurant is often a testament to how good it is. Or how well it's hyped up.

5. Living in Hong Kong long-term? Buy your groceries at the wet market.

As long as you're not squeamish about live fish and whatnot, the produce at the wet market is cheaper, fresher and there's less packaging.

6. Want free internet? Find a library.

Whether you're living long-term or short term, if you need internet and don't want to pay, the library is your best friend as most branches have free wifi provided by the Hong Kong government.

7. In a tourist area? Always keep your purse/handbag at the front.

Pickpockets are common in tourist places so be aware of your belongings.

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