Thursday, September 29, 2011

My first typhoon...

So, storm Nesat passed through/by/whatever Hong Kong today and I got to experience my first typhoon (storm signal level 8 was issued for most of the day). How was it, you ask? Well, the winds were super strong so sometimes it sounded like they were going to rip A/C units right off the side of apartments. I don't think that actually happened but a taxi did get squished because some scaffolding blew off a building. The heavy winds brought rain that came on and off, sometimes in small droplets, sometimes in heavy torrents.

Luckily, I was inside through most of it but the busy road outside was completely devoid of people (it's a miracle!) and a lot of stores were closed. The wet market nearby, though, was open for business.

Overall, it was a pretty relaxing day seeing that I got the day off work. I felt bad for the people who did have to work since a lot of buses were taken out of service and the MTR was running with limited service with trains coming every 10 to 12 minutes. Things have calmed down since and it looks like tomorrow will be back to normal.

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