Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Classes are intense... seriously

Today's blog comes a bit early due to the fact that 1) I will be studying hard with my fellow classmate Suki today and 2) I meant to go out but dropped out of a trip to Shatin and Tsim Sha Jui (or however you spell it) today because I felt tired and slightly ill. I think I'll be all right... it's probably a combination of jetlag and perhaps something I ate for lunch that didn't bode well with my body. There aren't any pictures either so I hope you enjoy this anyways...

So class... it starts at 9:30. I think I'm going to try and wake up later seeing as there will be a bit more work and such as I progress through this month. I'm in the highest level of Mandarin class that the university offers in the summer and the total number of students in my class: 2. My friend Suki and I. Our professor seems to be a very nice person and today it felt like we were barreling through our lesson. We didn't have our textbooks yet and so now we're screwed because our textbooks have few vocabulary words (they expect us to know a lot I guess) and all the grammar is explained in Mandarin. FML. At the same time, the level and formality of the language has gone up a huge notch and my brain goes numb after a single paragraph. This month will involve a lot of intensive studying...

This week, we only have morning classes so I will have to try and get out more. (Hopefully I'll feel less tired and iffy tomorrow so I can go shopping in Shatin again...)

We also had our briefing session for our immersion trip to Guangzhou today. Everyone thought that this was going to be a huge field trip but it turns out that this is actually the second of two courses we'll be taking here. Apparently no language other than Mandarin is allowed to be spoken there or else you'll be docked points. Ouch. There will be readings and assignments everyday too. Ughhh...

Anyways, I'm going to try and get some studying done. I miss you all very dearly. Sending all of you lots of love and hugs. <3

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