Friday, August 27, 2010

Life lessons...

So, as time passes, home is something that is coming closer and closer to me and once I get on that taxi back home, I can say the the journey is over. In any case, here are a few important (and not so important) life lessons I learned in Hong Kong:
  • Unless you go to a destination frequently, you WILL experience culture shock. I thought that HK was going to be similar enough to Taiwan so I'd get used to it quickly but I was sooooo wrong.
  • Traveling without a plan is the best plan ever.
  • Not having lemon or milk tea in Hong Kong is like going to a bar and not drinking.
  • If you go to HK, get an Octopus card. Those single journey tickets are just... inefficient.
  • When in HK, walk fast, eat fast, buy things fast or you'll get trampled.
  • Being aware is the recipe for preventing thefts, accidents and other dangerous things.
  • If you get a seat in the MTR, a miracle has happened. Or you're at the very first stop. Because there is almost never a seat in the MTR so don't even try to hope for one.
  • Friends you make in a foreign country are awesome because you're all just trying to survive and you help each other but it's also so sad because you will leave them and sometimes, you never know when you'll see them again. (I miss you all... you know who you are.)
  • I grew up in the best place ever. You really don't realize that until you eat crappily made Vietnamese noodles and sandwiches with shitty mushy bread with the crusts cut off. Then there's also the fact that houses and apartments are actually bigger than you think they are. The air is wonderful and even if it's cold in winter it means that there are no mosquitoes!!!
Oh how I miss home. But I've decided that HK is one of my homes away from home. I will miss it so much once I'm back in Canada. It's been fun surviving on my own and wandering around a foreign city with the worst case of directile dysfunction evarrr. Anyways, the flight attendants call and boarding is about to happen. Hope to see you soon!!!

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