Monday, August 9, 2010

Today is officially the worst day ever...

Ughhh... today's post will be short and sans picat00rs because I'm on my roommate's laptop. Why you ask? Well, because I had the worst day evarrr. So today, class was decent except for the fact that I found out that there's a 400 character composition... EVERY SINGLE BLOODY DAY this week. This would sound easy except for the fact that the subjects of our compositions so far are: China and the WTO and the relationship between globalization and transnational corporations. F.M.L.

The worst day evarrr continued as I decided that I needed to try the mango desserts at Hui Lau San. Well, I found the restaurant... after 1 and a half hour in Shatin. When I went home, I hid my drink in my bag in fear of being fined due to the no food and drink by-law in the HK subway system. This was all fine until I ran for the shuttle bus that goes up to my residence and on the way, I hit something, resulting in my stuff covered in mango shit. Great. I had to clear out my bag, clean everything and in the process, I left a bottle of water open on my desk. This would haunt me later as when I showed something to my roommate, I accidently knocked over the bottle and spilt some water on Hermes, my darling laptop. I'm leaving him out to dry after wiping water off him and I hope that everything will be ok in the morning. *prays to the gods in Wong Tai Sin*

Please send me and Hermes some happy thoughts and luck. I am close to tears right now.

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