Thursday, August 26, 2010

Saying goodbye all over again...

For the past few days, it's pretty much been all about the goodbyes. A few days ago, I had to say goodbye to Suki. Today, it was my roommate and posting these pictures feels like another goodbye to Guangzhou, a place that I miss for some reason. A goodbye to Hong Kong is in order very soon but for now, I'll enjoy the last of my time as I hope you will enjoy these pictures.

Roadside fruit market.

The Chen ancestral residence that was once used by members of the Chen family to study and live in when they wanted to prepare for exams to become an official.

Placard in front of the house that was once used by the Clefs d'Ors in Sha Mian. According to the intertubes, Les Clefs d'Ors are a sort of union of hotel concierges of the highest standard. The horse in the middle of the logo is a symbol for travel in Guangzhou. (See picture below.)

There's a special name for this statue in Chinese but the most important thing is that the statue of one of a horse on a swallow (it's kinda stepping on it...) on a globe and it's a symbol of traveling.

I wonder if anyone here has a Clef d'Or. This is Guangzhou's first five star hotel.

After a rainy day, the snails came out! This one was pretty big. According to the head teacher, people cook these things in soup. Then again, another teacher told me that in Guangzhou, there's an expression that states: "The only thing that can fly but you can't eat is an airplane and the only thing with four legs that you can't eat is a chair." Oh dear...

Speaking of um... interesting food, guess what these are? Figured it out yet? Well, if you can't, then you'll have to wait for my description on facebook.

Breakfast at the university canteen. The plates and such were rather spartan but the total cost of everything pictured above? $1.60RMB = 21 cents Canadian.

Speaking of universities, this is the gate to the best university in Guangzhou, Zhong Shan University. It's on this island with 9 other universities. No, there's literally an island with 10 universities on it in Guangzhou.

Old door in Guangzhou. It has three layers. There's a giant wooden door for general use but Guangzhou is super hot (no, seriously) so when it gets really warm, people just use the barred doors so that air can circulate and the rooms keep cool. If you want more privacy, you just close the doors that go up halfway. Neat eh?

Parting shot. Guess who put the flowers on the pylons? My friend Suki: Jess, everyone's watching us. Yes, it was me. =D

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